Treehouse News
A Guide to Decorating With Rugs
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
When it comes to home decor, there isn’t much that is as versatile, affordable, and effective as rugs. The right rug can completely revitalize the appearance and atmosphere of a room while protecting the floor, increasing comfort, and offering an opportunity to add a touch of your personal style to every space. Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind before you get to work choosing rugs for your rooms.
3 Tips for Decorating with Rugs
1. Stick to a Color Scheme
A good rule of thumb in home decor is to pick and stick to a color scheme for overall decorative consistency. If you’ve already decorated a room, choose a rug that reflects the existing color scheme or that complements it.
For example, bright, warm yellows and oranges and simple whites contrast cleanly with darker-colored furniture and decorations. If you’re decorating a room from scratch, a good option is to pick the rug first and build the decor around it.
2. Choose the Right Size

A rug that reaches right up to the baseboards can make a room feel cramped or crowded, whereas a rug that is too small can look out of place and make the space feel uncomfortably large. You can avoid these common pitfalls by subtracting about three feet from the length and width of the room you’re decorating and choosing a rug that fits the resulting dimensions.
Leaving a small amount of space around the perimeter of a room will help it feel slightly larger. When placing rugs under dining tables or desks, leave at least 24 inches of material around the edge of the table for chairs.
3. Match the Rug to the Room
It’s also important to consider how each room is used and which activities ordinarily take place in them before choosing rugs. For example, kitchen and bathroom rugs should be warm, absorbent, and easy to wash. Hallway runners and rugs placed at entryways should be made of hard-wearing materials to accommodate foot traffic.
Whether you’re looking for elegant home decor or the perfect gift for a friend or family member, you can turn to Treehouse Gift & Home in Onalaska, WI. Locally owned and operated since opening their doors in 1988, we offer an extensive selection of quality gifts, home decor, and books to customers throughout the area. Call (608) 433-7896 or visit today.
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A Guide to Decorating With Rugs
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
When it comes to home decor, there isn’t much that is as versatile, affordable, and effective as rugs. The right rug can completely revitalize the appearance and atmosphere of a room while protecting the floor, increasing comfort, and offering an opportunity to add a touch of your personal style to every space. Here are a few useful tips to keep in mind before you get to work choosing rugs for your rooms.
3 Tips for Decorating with Rugs
1. Stick to a Color Scheme
A good rule of thumb in home decor is to pick and stick to a color scheme for overall decorative consistency. If you’ve already decorated a room, choose a rug that reflects the existing color scheme or that complements it.
For example, bright, warm yellows and oranges and simple whites contrast cleanly with darker-colored furniture and decorations. If you’re decorating a room from scratch, a good option is to pick the rug first and build the decor around it.
2. Choose the Right Size

A rug that reaches right up to the baseboards can make a room feel cramped or crowded, whereas a rug that is too small can look out of place and make the space feel uncomfortably large. You can avoid these common pitfalls by subtracting about three feet from the length and width of the room you’re decorating and choosing a rug that fits the resulting dimensions.
Leaving a small amount of space around the perimeter of a room will help it feel slightly larger. When placing rugs under dining tables or desks, leave at least 24 inches of material around the edge of the table for chairs.
3. Match the Rug to the Room
It’s also important to consider how each room is used and which activities ordinarily take place in them before choosing rugs. For example, kitchen and bathroom rugs should be warm, absorbent, and easy to wash. Hallway runners and rugs placed at entryways should be made of hard-wearing materials to accommodate foot traffic.
Whether you’re looking for elegant home decor or the perfect gift for a friend or family member, you can turn to Treehouse Gift & Home in Onalaska, WI. Locally owned and operated since opening their doors in 1988, we offer an extensive selection of quality gifts, home decor, and books to customers throughout the area. Call (608) 433-7896 or visit today.
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The Real Reason The Treehouse Reopened!
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Looking back over this past six years has been a nice reminder to me of when God said how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those that ask him! The truth is, when the Lord led me to reopen Treehouse Gift & Home, he really knew an unspoken desire of my heart. I'll tell you the real reason the Treehouse Reopened...the newspaper hinted at the full story...
It all started with a prayer. My family and I were returning from a weekend away in the Wisconsin Dells November 13, 2016, when we decided to stop by the Culver’s in Mauston, WI. Next door to the Culver’s at that time, I ventured inside a small shop called the Red Geranium to spend a little time shopping while waiting for our food. While wondering through this gift shop, I was praying for direction from the Lord.
I had a great job as the Senior Store Manager for the La Crosse Helzberg Diamonds, where I had been working for the prior 10 years. I really enjoyed helping couples get engaged and celebrate anniversaries and birthdays, but I had begun to wonder if God wanted to use me in any other way over these next 10 years. I had not seriously asked him for direction in some time about my job, so I decided to pray while wondering through the Red Geranium. I just prayed, “Lord, I have enjoyed my time with Helzberg Diamonds, and I would do it for another 10 years if that’s where you want me, but if you have any other way that you want to use me, please, let me know.” In my heart, I really committed myself to whatever he might throw my way. Half of me thought he would send me on an African Missions trip or some other place half way across the world, but whatever it was, I was really wanted him to lead me and had committed in my heart to wherever he would take me.
As I was checking out at this adorable shop, I got to talking retail with the owner a bit. She was very friendly and mentioned she loved what she was doing. Then she said to me, “Well, you’re from the La Crosse area, and you know, I’m friends on Facebook with businesses like mine, and it was so strange, this morning, the Treehouse Gift & Home over by where you live announced they will be closing.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. I had lived in La Crosse for over 12 years by then, and had always loved shopping at the Treehouse for all my gifts and home decor finds! In fact, the Treehouse had begun their legacy way back in 1998. On my drive home, my wheels were spinning about this recent information I had been given five minutes after praying for a new direction. I asked my husband about what he thought after I checked the Treehouse Facebook and read the closing letter to their followers. My husband said to ask if it was for sale. So, I reached out to them on Facebook, and they said it would be for sale after their going out of business sale that Christmas. So I thought, fair enough, I would never want to leave my employer right before Christmas anyway. They had been far too good to me. Treehouse had a huge going out of business sale, while, I finished out 2016 with Christmas at Helzberg Diamonds. In February, my husband planned to go ask our banker about a loan for buying the Treehouse. I thought to myself, well, I felt like God had answered my prayer question back in November with this opportunity, but then again, that was a long time ago. I thought I had better pray about it again.
So, on a lunch from Helzberg, while walking down to the Barnes & Noble Starbucks, I said another 2 minute prayer. I thanked God for what I thought was his direction back in November, but I told him that I could really use one more confirmation before I uproot my entire life’s career since college. Sure enough, as I’m standing in line at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks, I noticed a mother with several kids running around trying to decide what they wanted, and several more ladies in front of them. I started looking at the time, and thought, I only had 30 minutes for this break and began to leave for the food court instead. Just as I turned to leave, I almost ran into a gentleman and told him to go ahead because I was just on lunch and couldn't wait in line and that he should go ahead. To my surprise, this kind gentleman said to me, “No, no. Why don’t you go ahead of us. This is my family here in front of you. They will take forever to decide anyway.” I thought well, that was sure nice of him. Normally, I wouldn’t budge ahead, but this time, maybe I should just accept his kind gesture. So, I did. While I was standing in line ahead of this husband-of-the-year, I overheard his wife ask him what book he had brought to read for lunch today. He said, “Oh, I found this really good book called, "How to Build a Treehouse!” I turned and stared again at him in awe. God’s timing truly is perfect. I couldn’t believe my ears. If that wasn't enough, he cracked the book open while I was eating my soup and sandwich and started reading it out loud saying, it starts with finding the right tree! To think of how many things had to come together perfectly for me to overhear this conversation at just the right time truly shows me how God knows the intricate details of our lives with such perfect timing. Of course, I quickly called my husband who was on his way to the bank to discuss a loan for the Treehouse building and shared the story with him about the unique timing and the situation.
We then discovered, the Treehouse building was tied into a pending bankruptcy and foreclosure sale. It was a long drawn out process for it to shake out. Even my husband’s lawyer told us to just wait it out. By July, I was losing hope again that my prayer would ever come to fruition. I had also become unusually sick that year. I hadn’t used but maybe a day of sick time in 11 years with Helzberg, but 2017, was quite different. I had come down with an infection that needed surgery to find and fix, twice. Even after the surgery, I had to revisit the hospital weekly for special maintenance to get rid of the infection for good. Then I came down with pneumonia for two months and thought I was truly dying. I could feel my dreams just slipping away from me. Looking back, that sickness did give me a lot of separation time from the job I was so used to going to for 11 years and plenty of time to ponder my next move.
I explained the situation to my pastor and asked him to pray for my health and for direction with this business, and he did. The next day, he sent me a text message at 7:20 a.m. saying, “I’m praying for you to get healthy, and for you to have very, very clear direction with this business venture.” My husband and I were headed up to Minneapolis for the day, and on the way we stopped at a gas station to fill our windshield washer fluids. While we stopped, he was checking some of his emails, and he found this one from the prior owner of the Treehouse. The prior owner went on with a one page long email about how he knew the pending lawsuit would settle in his favor, and he just decided he would give us keys to the building to go in and store some of the displayers we had purchased at the Macy’s going out of business and then just get immediately started on prepping for the holiday. I looked at my husband, and said, "That’s strange, we haven’t even bought anything yet, and he wants to give us keys?" So, I asked my husband, what time that email was sent. My husband said, “The email came through at 7:20 a.m.” Wow, God had just given my 3rd confirmation, and his timing was so perfect. Since then countless prayers have been answered for us to move forward with God's plan including us bidding on and receiving our building at the Sheriff Sale six months after stepping out in faith and moving into the building that was under foreclosure. I have never been more sure that God has me right where he needs me for now. God really does know the desires of our hearts, and he writes an even better story for us than we can imagine if we just ask for his guidance. He craves our attention and is jealous for our hearts. We just have to be sensitive enough to be still and listen and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. If you want to be His hands and feet, He'll put you to work to be a fisher of men, without a doubt! So, I would invite you to come visit us and see what God is doing with Treehouse Gift & Home! Come see the prayer corner I feel He has led us to provide and pray for our community's requests when you come.
May God Bless You with Direction and Answers to Your Prayers,
Cassandra Birdd
We're Celebrating 6 Years reopened, and 25 Fabulous Years total!
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The Real Reason The Treehouse Reopened!
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Looking back over this past six years has been a nice reminder to me of when God said how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those that ask him! The truth is, when the Lord led me to reopen Treehouse Gift & Home, he really knew an unspoken desire of my heart. I'll tell you the real reason the Treehouse Reopened...the newspaper hinted at the full story...
It all started with a prayer. My family and I were returning from a weekend away in the Wisconsin Dells November 13, 2016, when we decided to stop by the Culver’s in Mauston, WI. Next door to the Culver’s at that time, I ventured inside a small shop called the Red Geranium to spend a little time shopping while waiting for our food. While wondering through this gift shop, I was praying for direction from the Lord.
I had a great job as the Senior Store Manager for the La Crosse Helzberg Diamonds, where I had been working for the prior 10 years. I really enjoyed helping couples get engaged and celebrate anniversaries and birthdays, but I had begun to wonder if God wanted to use me in any other way over these next 10 years. I had not seriously asked him for direction in some time about my job, so I decided to pray while wondering through the Red Geranium. I just prayed, “Lord, I have enjoyed my time with Helzberg Diamonds, and I would do it for another 10 years if that’s where you want me, but if you have any other way that you want to use me, please, let me know.” In my heart, I really committed myself to whatever he might throw my way. Half of me thought he would send me on an African Missions trip or some other place half way across the world, but whatever it was, I was really wanted him to lead me and had committed in my heart to wherever he would take me.
As I was checking out at this adorable shop, I got to talking retail with the owner a bit. She was very friendly and mentioned she loved what she was doing. Then she said to me, “Well, you’re from the La Crosse area, and you know, I’m friends on Facebook with businesses like mine, and it was so strange, this morning, the Treehouse Gift & Home over by where you live announced they will be closing.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. I had lived in La Crosse for over 12 years by then, and had always loved shopping at the Treehouse for all my gifts and home decor finds! In fact, the Treehouse had begun their legacy way back in 1998. On my drive home, my wheels were spinning about this recent information I had been given five minutes after praying for a new direction. I asked my husband about what he thought after I checked the Treehouse Facebook and read the closing letter to their followers. My husband said to ask if it was for sale. So, I reached out to them on Facebook, and they said it would be for sale after their going out of business sale that Christmas. So I thought, fair enough, I would never want to leave my employer right before Christmas anyway. They had been far too good to me. Treehouse had a huge going out of business sale, while, I finished out 2016 with Christmas at Helzberg Diamonds. In February, my husband planned to go ask our banker about a loan for buying the Treehouse. I thought to myself, well, I felt like God had answered my prayer question back in November with this opportunity, but then again, that was a long time ago. I thought I had better pray about it again.
So, on a lunch from Helzberg, while walking down to the Barnes & Noble Starbucks, I said another 2 minute prayer. I thanked God for what I thought was his direction back in November, but I told him that I could really use one more confirmation before I uproot my entire life’s career since college. Sure enough, as I’m standing in line at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks, I noticed a mother with several kids running around trying to decide what they wanted, and several more ladies in front of them. I started looking at the time, and thought, I only had 30 minutes for this break and began to leave for the food court instead. Just as I turned to leave, I almost ran into a gentleman and told him to go ahead because I was just on lunch and couldn't wait in line and that he should go ahead. To my surprise, this kind gentleman said to me, “No, no. Why don’t you go ahead of us. This is my family here in front of you. They will take forever to decide anyway.” I thought well, that was sure nice of him. Normally, I wouldn’t budge ahead, but this time, maybe I should just accept his kind gesture. So, I did. While I was standing in line ahead of this husband-of-the-year, I overheard his wife ask him what book he had brought to read for lunch today. He said, “Oh, I found this really good book called, "How to Build a Treehouse!” I turned and stared again at him in awe. God’s timing truly is perfect. I couldn’t believe my ears. If that wasn't enough, he cracked the book open while I was eating my soup and sandwich and started reading it out loud saying, it starts with finding the right tree! To think of how many things had to come together perfectly for me to overhear this conversation at just the right time truly shows me how God knows the intricate details of our lives with such perfect timing. Of course, I quickly called my husband who was on his way to the bank to discuss a loan for the Treehouse building and shared the story with him about the unique timing and the situation.
We then discovered, the Treehouse building was tied into a pending bankruptcy and foreclosure sale. It was a long drawn out process for it to shake out. Even my husband’s lawyer told us to just wait it out. By July, I was losing hope again that my prayer would ever come to fruition. I had also become unusually sick that year. I hadn’t used but maybe a day of sick time in 11 years with Helzberg, but 2017, was quite different. I had come down with an infection that needed surgery to find and fix, twice. Even after the surgery, I had to revisit the hospital weekly for special maintenance to get rid of the infection for good. Then I came down with pneumonia for two months and thought I was truly dying. I could feel my dreams just slipping away from me. Looking back, that sickness did give me a lot of separation time from the job I was so used to going to for 11 years and plenty of time to ponder my next move.
I explained the situation to my pastor and asked him to pray for my health and for direction with this business, and he did. The next day, he sent me a text message at 7:20 a.m. saying, “I’m praying for you to get healthy, and for you to have very, very clear direction with this business venture.” My husband and I were headed up to Minneapolis for the day, and on the way we stopped at a gas station to fill our windshield washer fluids. While we stopped, he was checking some of his emails, and he found this one from the prior owner of the Treehouse. The prior owner went on with a one page long email about how he knew the pending lawsuit would settle in his favor, and he just decided he would give us keys to the building to go in and store some of the displayers we had purchased at the Macy’s going out of business and then just get immediately started on prepping for the holiday. I looked at my husband, and said, "That’s strange, we haven’t even bought anything yet, and he wants to give us keys?" So, I asked my husband, what time that email was sent. My husband said, “The email came through at 7:20 a.m.” Wow, God had just given my 3rd confirmation, and his timing was so perfect. Since then countless prayers have been answered for us to move forward with God's plan including us bidding on and receiving our building at the Sheriff Sale six months after stepping out in faith and moving into the building that was under foreclosure. I have never been more sure that God has me right where he needs me for now. God really does know the desires of our hearts, and he writes an even better story for us than we can imagine if we just ask for his guidance. He craves our attention and is jealous for our hearts. We just have to be sensitive enough to be still and listen and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. If you want to be His hands and feet, He'll put you to work to be a fisher of men, without a doubt! So, I would invite you to come visit us and see what God is doing with Treehouse Gift & Home! Come see the prayer corner I feel He has led us to provide and pray for our community's requests when you come.
May God Bless You with Direction and Answers to Your Prayers,
Cassandra Birdd
We're Celebrating 6 Years reopened, and 25 Fabulous Years total!
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Local Love Day is October 15th 10 am - 3 pm
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Come meet our local artists, craftsmen, & craftswomen, Saturday, October 15th from 10 am - 3 pm! Taste samples of gourmet local foods, hear about the artist's inspiration, ask questions, and sign up to win the Local Artist Giveaways! We feel supporting local businesses is one way we can give back directly to this community. Come out and support your Local Artists on Local Love Day at Treehouse Gift & Home, 9546 E 16 Frontage Rd, Onalaska, WI 54650. Enjoy this FREE event, Saturday, October 15th, 2022!
- Advanced Florals Class with Shirley Johnson
- Charcoal Pet Portraits with Steve Gilman
- Let's Knot - Macramé with Linda Grupa
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Local Love Day is October 15th 10 am - 3 pm
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Come meet our local artists, craftsmen, & craftswomen, Saturday, October 15th from 10 am - 3 pm! Taste samples of gourmet local foods, hear about the artist's inspiration, ask questions, and sign up to win the Local Artist Giveaways! We feel supporting local businesses is one way we can give back directly to this community. Come out and support your Local Artists on Local Love Day at Treehouse Gift & Home, 9546 E 16 Frontage Rd, Onalaska, WI 54650. Enjoy this FREE event, Saturday, October 15th, 2022!
- Advanced Florals Class with Shirley Johnson
- Charcoal Pet Portraits with Steve Gilman
- Let's Knot - Macramé with Linda Grupa
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3 Vital Reasons to Support Local Businesses
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Big-box retailers and e-commerce companies often dominate the retail space, as consumers can find an assortment of goods in one place. There are still numerous reasons to patronize local businesses, including gift shops, grocers, and companies that provide additional services. Here are a few associated benefits to buying locally.
What Are the Advantages of Supporting Local Businesses?
1. Give the Local Economy a Boost
Chain retailers don't have a local connection, so the revenue stream won't necessarily benefit your community. By buying from local businesses, you'll help keep money in your neighborhood to help it prosper since the establishments source materials from other local businesses. Employees who live in the community also use their income to pay for local products and services.
2. Find Unique Goods

Local small business owners are dedicated to maintaining a presence in the community and often offer an eclectic variety of products that pique their personal interests and address the community's needs. For example, a local gift shop is the perfect place to buy presents for loved ones who don't live in the area. You can find locally grown food, native flowers, climate-specific outerwear, region-focused artwork, and other unique goods that provide insight into your community.
3. Enjoy a Personalized Experience
Customer service at national and global chains could be impersonal. Calling a toll-free number, for instance, might direct you through a series of automated prompts before you reach a representative. This is not the case when you buy products locally, as company owners often offer stellar customer service since they have an interest in cultivating a good reputation in the community and gaining loyal, repeat customers.
To find an impressive collection of home decor, rugs, and additional goods made by artists in the Onalaska, WI, area, visit Treehouse Gift & Home. In business since 1998, the Christian-based gift shop sells products by over 70 local artists. View the inventory online and call (608) 433-7896 to speak with a representative who can answer product questions. Get event announcements on Facebook.
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3 Vital Reasons to Support Local Businesses
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Big-box retailers and e-commerce companies often dominate the retail space, as consumers can find an assortment of goods in one place. There are still numerous reasons to patronize local businesses, including gift shops, grocers, and companies that provide additional services. Here are a few associated benefits to buying locally.
What Are the Advantages of Supporting Local Businesses?
1. Give the Local Economy a Boost
Chain retailers don't have a local connection, so the revenue stream won't necessarily benefit your community. By buying from local businesses, you'll help keep money in your neighborhood to help it prosper since the establishments source materials from other local businesses. Employees who live in the community also use their income to pay for local products and services.
2. Find Unique Goods

Local small business owners are dedicated to maintaining a presence in the community and often offer an eclectic variety of products that pique their personal interests and address the community's needs. For example, a local gift shop is the perfect place to buy presents for loved ones who don't live in the area. You can find locally grown food, native flowers, climate-specific outerwear, region-focused artwork, and other unique goods that provide insight into your community.
3. Enjoy a Personalized Experience
Customer service at national and global chains could be impersonal. Calling a toll-free number, for instance, might direct you through a series of automated prompts before you reach a representative. This is not the case when you buy products locally, as company owners often offer stellar customer service since they have an interest in cultivating a good reputation in the community and gaining loyal, repeat customers.
To find an impressive collection of home decor, rugs, and additional goods made by artists in the Onalaska, WI, area, visit Treehouse Gift & Home. In business since 1998, the Christian-based gift shop sells products by over 70 local artists. View the inventory online and call (608) 433-7896 to speak with a representative who can answer product questions. Get event announcements on Facebook.
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A Guide to Tea Towels
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Towels aren’t just for the bathroom, as those for the kitchen make cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning activities easier. Tea towels are among the towels used in this cooking space, and are often considered the same as “regular” kitchen towels. However, these towels also function as home decor and feature distinguishable differences from their standard counterparts. Learn more about tea towels and how you can use them here.
What Are Tea Towels?
Finely-woven hand towels became popular during the 18th century, with “tea towel” an English term. They were used to catch spilled tea and therefore prevent stains on tables and countertops, since the tannins in tea are notorious staining agents. These towels were also used to prevent scratches while drying china teacups and dishware. Many tea towels featured intricate embroidery done by the mistress of the house, making them home decor items as well as kitchen accessories.
Today’s tea towels range in size from 16 inches by 28 inches to 18 inches by 30 inches, and still function as kitchen accessories and decor items.
How Are Tea Towels Different From Other Kitchen Towels?
A main distinction between tea towels and kitchen towels is fabric. Tea towels are made of either cotton or linen, and usually flat-woven to prevent streaks on dishware. Non-tea kitchen towels are typically made of terry cloth, which is ideal for soaking up spills but not recommended for drying fine china or other expensive dishware, such as crystal glassware, since they can cause streaks and minor scratches.
Tea towels also differentiate themselves from terry cloth towels with their food cover applications. They are often used to cover bread products, such as rolls and muffins, to maintain their warmth. These towels are also ideal for polishing silver jewelry, as they easily remove tarnish. Both tea and terry cloth kitchen towels are utilized in dish and glass air-drying, such as placing the towel under a dish drying rack to catch water droplets.
Browse the beautiful tea towel collection at Treehouse Gift & Home, the 10,000 square foot home decor and gift shop serving the 50-mile radius around Onalaska, WI. One of the largest gift shops in the state, this unique store offers a diverse inventory from top brands, including Willow Tree®. Custom picture framing services are also available. Call (608) 433-7896 today with questions or shop for home decor and gifts online. Like the Facebook page for the latest product and special event updates.
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A Guide to Tea Towels
Posted by Cassandra Birdd on
Towels aren’t just for the bathroom, as those for the kitchen make cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning activities easier. Tea towels are among the towels used in this cooking space, and are often considered the same as “regular” kitchen towels. However, these towels also function as home decor and feature distinguishable differences from their standard counterparts. Learn more about tea towels and how you can use them here.
What Are Tea Towels?
Finely-woven hand towels became popular during the 18th century, with “tea towel” an English term. They were used to catch spilled tea and therefore prevent stains on tables and countertops, since the tannins in tea are notorious staining agents. These towels were also used to prevent scratches while drying china teacups and dishware. Many tea towels featured intricate embroidery done by the mistress of the house, making them home decor items as well as kitchen accessories.
Today’s tea towels range in size from 16 inches by 28 inches to 18 inches by 30 inches, and still function as kitchen accessories and decor items.
How Are Tea Towels Different From Other Kitchen Towels?
A main distinction between tea towels and kitchen towels is fabric. Tea towels are made of either cotton or linen, and usually flat-woven to prevent streaks on dishware. Non-tea kitchen towels are typically made of terry cloth, which is ideal for soaking up spills but not recommended for drying fine china or other expensive dishware, such as crystal glassware, since they can cause streaks and minor scratches.
Tea towels also differentiate themselves from terry cloth towels with their food cover applications. They are often used to cover bread products, such as rolls and muffins, to maintain their warmth. These towels are also ideal for polishing silver jewelry, as they easily remove tarnish. Both tea and terry cloth kitchen towels are utilized in dish and glass air-drying, such as placing the towel under a dish drying rack to catch water droplets.
Browse the beautiful tea towel collection at Treehouse Gift & Home, the 10,000 square foot home decor and gift shop serving the 50-mile radius around Onalaska, WI. One of the largest gift shops in the state, this unique store offers a diverse inventory from top brands, including Willow Tree®. Custom picture framing services are also available. Call (608) 433-7896 today with questions or shop for home decor and gifts online. Like the Facebook page for the latest product and special event updates.