Over and over, the Bible tells us to handle our money as good stewards. Therefore, when you see July Semi-Annual Clearance Events you should take advantage! Most retailers are looking to clear some room for all the gorgeous fall and Christmas merchandise that will soon be hitting stores. So take advantage of the sales while you can! You'll find a variety of items on sale at the Treehouse this July that will have an additional 10% OFF the lowest marked clearance price through July 31st, 2023.

The thrifty shoppers know that clearance always means they won't be paying the full retail mark up on these beauties and it tends to be a time when all the current season's items starting to go on sale, and even some treasures from the past beginning to take even deeper mark downs. So join in the shopping fun this July at the Semi-Annual Clearance Event. You'll find some items are up to 75% OFF!
Need help, give the professionals at Treehouse a call at 608-433-7896. We are always more than happy to answer your questions.