3 Bible Verses That Make Inspiring Home Decor

Posted by Cassandra Birdd on

Incorporating inspirational quotes into your home decor is an excellent way to tie the look of a room together and make it feel more personable. Many times, bible quotes are the perfect way to sum up the love of a family or what a home should represent. Here are some inspiring and guiding verses that serve as daily reminders when placed on a wall or shelf. 

3 Bible Verses to Implement Around Your Home

1. But as for Me & My House, We Will Serve the Lord

This phrase, which is the final sentence of Joshua 24:15, has become popular for Christian households in recent years. When engraved on a door hanger or mantle piece, it tells guests exactly who your family represents right away. Your household is a servant of God, and this is a daily reminder to follow the teachings of scripture. 

2. For With God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible

home decorLuke 1:37 is a promise that no matter the hardship you may be facing, you have the blessing of God that you will overcome or succeed. Sometimes it's hard to see that through the dark, but He knows all and there is a plan for you. 

3. I Will Praise Thee; for I Am Fearfully & Wonderfully Made; Marvelous Are Thy Works

This phrase incorporates the opening sentences from the first three paragraphs of Psalm 139:14. It reminds you that all of God's works are miraculous and wonderful. On a piece of home decor, this message reminds you to show praise each day for the gift of life and all of its beauty.


If you are searching for inspiring, religious quotes to add to your home decor, look no further than Treehouse Gift & Home in Onalaska, WI. For over two decades, this massive 10,000 square-foot store has been the La Crosse’s premiere gift shop. They've always carried a wide variety of merchandise, but under new owners Cassandra and Justin Birdd, they now have a religious gift section and sell products from local artists, too. View their online store today, or call them at (608) 433-7896 with any questions. You can also follow them on Facebook for the latest product and home decor news. 

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